A meal only becomes healthy when it complements required proportions of vitamins and minerals; the two pillars on which our body works. Each and every vitamin has a significant role to play. There are majorly thirteen essential vitamins that our body needs to function properly, viz. A, C, E, K, D and B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin and folic acid. Imbalance of any of these can lead to severe consequences.
These vitamins are divided into two types; water soluble and fat soluble. Water soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B are immediately used by our body tissues and need to be replenished daily through our diet as they aren’t stored by the body and are easily excreted through urine. Whereas fat soluble vitamins ( A, E, K ) are stored by the body and used accordingly as per its needs.
Vitamin D is fat soluble and despite the sun being the vital source of it, almost 50%-70% of the population is deficit to it. Alike other important vitamins, it has a crucial role assigned for the body too. Calcium, one of the most important minerals, strengthen bones enhancing bone density but it needs vitamin D for its absorption by the body. In addition to our bone house, vitamin D impacts our skin health to quite a large extent. Therefore, its intake shouldn’t be subsided no matter what.
Adhering to its importance for skin, here are a few points you should pay special attention too;
• Vitamin D keeps premature ageing signs away
• As proven by some studies, vitamin D plays a supporting role in treatment of some skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema
• It is crucial for skin protection and calcitriol (active form of vitamin D) promotes skin cell growth.
Various sources of vitamin D;
It must be noted that no source directly provides vitamin D to you, as this vitamin is already present in an inactive form in the blood. The sunlight or other sources just help in its breakdown or to activate it, so that it can be used by the body. Milk, curd, soymilk, cereals, oranges, egg yolk, salmon (kind of fish) are some of the rich sources of vitamin D. However, if you are a vegan or a vegetarian, there are least options available for you. In that case, sunlight acts as a savior.
Sun bath should be present in everyone’s routine with these precautions;
• Always apply a sunscreen with an apt SPF.
• Too much of sun exposure can cause sun burns. 15 minutes of sun light is more than enough.
• Try to fetch sun rays in the early morning or one hour before sun set. This is the best time to make your vitamin D play the game without any strong UV rays' penetration.
Visit DEYGA ORGANICS official website to grab cent percent naturally procured sunscreen to make your next sunbath, the safest one!