What flawless skin is to girls, beard is to boys! No doubt, you have every right to wish for the look of your dreams. For men, most of the times, it’s rich beard look and we know it! However it seems quite difficult with thinner hair and lesser growth on the beard area. Is it the problem with you as well? If yes, then we are here with 5 amazing and easy-to-follow tips which can pave your way to thicker and well grown beard.
• Watch out for your skin’s health on regular intervals: This is the quintessential step you ought to follow in order to have a full grown beard look. Your skin health is extremely important. If dead cells, clogged pores and dirt dwells on your face then it’s slightly impossible for your facial hair to grow. Make sure you exfoliate your skin on regular intervals. Better blood circulation and unclogged pores lead to better growth of hair. For exfoliating you can use Deyga’s Exfoliator which will shed off the dead skin and clean your face gently from within. For regular use, Charcoal soap does the work of a potent detoxifier kicking out all the impurities away from your face.
• Suffice protein intake: We all know hair consist of 90% protein only. Peanuts, eggs, pulses, nuts, soybean and other protein rich food should be consumed by you on daily basis in adequate amount for providing enough nutrients in your body for hair growth. Besides good diet, proper water intake is important for a healthier skin cause if your skin is healthy, well grown beard is just a few steps away.
• Workout is also in the list: Exercising is one of the crucial steps for it increases the production of testosterone, the hormone responsible for promotion of healthy follicles and hair growth. In addition to regular workouts, proper sleep also plays a major role in the balance of testosterone levels inside the body. Lack of sleep reduces testosterone which hinders proper hair growth.
• Shampoo your beard gently : Shampooing beard with a mild cleanser will not only deep clean your facial hair but also nourish them showcasing a healthier and shinier look. Use Deyga’s Coconut Milk shampoo bar for better cleaning and richer nourishment. Pure coconut extract in Coconut Milk shampoo bar makes it more than a cleanser, a hair-care taker indeed which deeply conditions your facial hair.
• Allow your bread’s growth with Deyga’s Moustache and Beard Oil : Your dream of a rough and edgy look is incomplete without the proper care of your crown. Deyga’s organically made and naturally handcrafted Moustache and Beard Oil consists of the goodness of flaxseed and hempseed. It’s application on your beard area every night will bloom it gifting you a classy look you ever wanted to have.